Lean Factory


Lean manufacturing tools can bring immediate and everlasting benefits when implemented right at the stage of project initialization.

Lean consideration during project stage will give room for Value Stream Mapping & a very accurate & rightly calculated in time flow of man, material & information. Plant & Machinery Layout will also take into account future expansion plans, plant appears well organized, while employee morale remains high with clean & safe working environment. A well-organized layout of plant is easier & cost effective to be managed & maintain.

What can be Implemented during expansions or new Projects:

  • Value Stream Mapping will conclude including only Value Adding processing, eliminating wastes of non-value adding process from day one.
  • Out of 6S, Sort, Set, Shine, Standardized, Sustain & Safety only last 3S, Standardized, Sustain & Safety are to be considered for implementation, this again give well defined operations from day one.
  • Well defined processes, accurate calculations of installed capacity, standardized consumptions of raw material, packaging material & consumables can lead for implementation of Just In Time.
  • Well trained team on standardized operation and maintenance can be elevated to deploy Total Productive Maintenance, that in turn with give higher “Overall Equipment Efficiency”
  • Selection of right technology & equipment’s that are not only higher in outputs but lower in maintenance & capital investments.
  • Utility setup can offer great opportunity for savings to be continued throughout the tenure of the plant, through energy conservation measures taken during project stage can also promise reduced recurring investments.

Lean Factory:

With over 20+ years of experience working with MNC’s that were also in joint venture with USA, Japanese & European counter parts, our experience in executing multiple projects be it a Brown Field project where any existing facility is to be upgraded into a Lean Manufacturing facility or a Green Field project that is to be designed taking into consideration past experiences, we are equally qualified to offer Lean Advantages to be integrated at that point in time.